I have been thinking of a project that would be beneficial to everyone, and worth my time to develop. I think I have come up with it. Anyone remember Doug? Doug was one of my favorite Saturday morning cartoons. Every episode begins and ends with him writing in his journal.
We have been counseled many times by various people to keep a journal. Psychiatrist say that it helps us organize our lives so we can more plainly see our situation and more easily find ways to improve our lives. Family historians see them as invaluable resources to the writer's posterity. Over the last break, I decided that I wanted to start keeping a journal. I've tried the old pen and paper journals before, but it never seems to get anywhere. I usually end up tearing out pages that I don't like, and often am too lazy to take the time to write it all out. So I decided I'd try keeping an electronic journal. After all, most of my life is already recorded on my computer in calendars, emails, pictures, etc.
I looked all over online, but could not find a free solution that was both intuitive and comprehensive. That is when I decided I would make my own. I want to include things like journal entries (of course), how you feel about your day, (e.g. best day ever, worst day ever, just another day, etc.) goals made, goals accomplished, resolutions made, events, profiles of people you know, linking so that you can link to the profiles of people or pictures or other entries, photographs. (like the day they were taken, what they were taken of, and who was in them, etc.) I think my overall goal could best be described as a wiki of your brain! I'm thinking about naming it after Doug's best "non-human" friend -- his dog "Porkchop".
I would enjoy any feedback you have on this such as comments, feature requests, or what you may want to contribute to this project. Thank you.
Sorry Brice, it was having trouble commenting.
Anyway, I think it's a great idea.
I used to sporadically keep a journal a couple years ago. Maybe I should open it up again and gather some requirements.
First let me tell you that I loved reading about the project. Your writting skills have become as good as your sisters.
Next, Yes! Go for it! It sounds like a great tool.
Maybe you could make it delete proof too :(
I've utilized many existing frameworks to accomplish this and none of them ever seem to have enough. I would love to see something that finally combines everything into useful solution.
If you would like any help drafting requirements or developing this, count me in!
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